Launching a Community Perseverance Center

Kaylee Taray
Emphasis Area
Fashion Studies

Kaylee Taray interned with the Tucson Center for Black Life and gained experience in launching a new organization.



What factors influenced your decision to choose this experience for your internship?

I want to be an entrepreneur and so I kept an open mind about this experience when Stephanie Springer, the Internship Director, suggested it to me. I learned that Rhonda Moinz (my site supervisor), her dad, and her husband all owned their own companies. I was convinced I had a lot to learn from them. Also, being a young black woman learning from a black woman with experience in business was important to me. My experience at the Tucson Center for Black Lives has influenced my confidence as it’s related to my desire to be an entrepreneur. The most satisfying part of my internship was being able to complete it with Rhonda and have conversations about running a company. I made significant contributions to the Tucson Center for Black Lives by being able to be physically present (in-person) for the internship and to catalog many items in the museum.

What advice do you have for other students as they search for their internship?

The best advice I can give another student is to be open to asking questions of others--including strangers--for potential ideas for internships or positions. Also know that skills and opportunities lie within any internship.