Environmental Systems

PAH Environmental Systems


Study questions of meaning, culture, and community-building/serving in the context of environmental impact and change, and learn to see and connect environmental science with the stories, memories, rituals, beliefs, and habits of mind/body that contribute to (or interfere with) the wellbeing of individuals, communities, and organizations.  

Core Courses
  • PAH 200 Introduction to Applied Humanities (3 units)
  • PAH 201 Applied Humanities Practice: Techniques & Technologies for Public Enrichment (3 units)
  • PAH 372 Intercultural Competence: Culture, Identity, Adaptation & Intercultural Relations (3 units)
  • PAH 383 Pre-Internship: Building Career Readiness (3 units)
  • PAH 420 Innovation & the Human Condition: Learning How to Improve Life in the Community & Beyond (3 units)
  • PAH 493 Internship (3 units)
  • PAH 498 Senior Capstone (3 units)
  • One elective (3 units) from the approved list.
Emphasis Courses
  • ENVS 170A1 Introduction to Environmental Science (3 units) OR ENVS 210 Environmental Essentials: A Global Approach to Saving Planet Earth (3 units)
— 5 of the following —
  • ENVS 225 Biology of Environmental Systems (3 units)
  • ENVS 270 Critical Zone Science (3 units)
  • ENVS 275 Data Analysis for Life & Environmental Sciences (3 units)
  • ENVS 310 Ecosystem Health & Justice (3 units)
  • ENVS 350 Collaborative Environmental Problem Solving (3 units)
  • ENVS 408 Scientific Writing for Environmental, Agricultural & Life Sciences (3 units)
  • ENVS 415 Translating Environmental Science (3 units)

Emphasis courses cannot also count toward a minor in Environmental Science from the College of Agriculture & Life Sciences.

Ready to Declare?

Thank you for your interest in Public and Applied Humanities. There are many benefits of majoring in Applied Humanities.

Online Form

Complete the online major declaration form (NetID required). An academic advisor will follow up with more information as soon as possible. Please note that there may be slight delays during registration and other periods during the semester. If you have any questions, please contact cohadv@arizona.edu.