Combine the technical, practical, and professional knowledge essential to careers connected to the design, marketing, and sales of products with the cognitive, creative, international, interpersonal, and intercultural intelligences taught in the humanities.
Core Courses
- PAH 200 Introduction to Applied Humanities (3 units)
- PAH 201 Applied Humanities Practice: Techniques & Technologies for Public Enrichment (3 units)
- PAH 372 Intercultural Competence: Culture, Identity, Adaptation & Intercultural Relations (3 units)
- PAH 383 Pre-Internship: Building Career Readiness (3 units)
- PAH 420 Innovation & the Human Condition: Learning How to Improve Life in the Community & Beyond (3 units)
- PAH 493 Internship (3 units)
- PAH 498 Senior Capstone (3 units)
- One elective (3 units) from the approved list.
Emphasis Courses
- RCSC 114 Introduction to Retailing (3 units)
- RCSC 205 Merchandise Planning & Control (3 units) OR RCSC 260 Shopper Data & Business Research (3 units)
- RCSC 240 Consumer Behavior (3 units)
- RCSC 310 Retail Management & Operations (3 units)
- RCSC 350 Supply Chain Management (3 units)
- RCSC 384 Leadership, Management & Ethics (3 units)
Emphasis courses cannot also count toward a minor in Retailing & Consumer Science from the College of Agriculture, Life & Environmental Sciences.