How did you get your internship and why did you choose the opportunity?
I initially found the health & medical advocacy internship on Handshake (the university database for internships and jobs). I also had a friend that was at the International Rescue Committee (IRC) who assisted with securing this internship. This internship interested me because it provided me with the opportunity to work in the field of humanitarian/social work. My main responsibility was to advocate for and coordinate the medical and preventative healthcare needs of refugee and asylee clients.
The internship also provided me the opportunity to explore if this kind of work was the right fit for me. As a student that majored in both the Public & Applied Humanities with an emphasis in public health and Gender & Women’s Studies, my studies played a crucial role when deciding on my internship. My studies are reflections of my interests that then transferred to my career/internship interest.
How has your internship experience influenced your plans for your future?
The time during my internship with the IRC gave me the opportunity and experience to understand myself and the type of work I want to pursue in my career. I found that working alongside the IRC and its goals of addressing humanitarian crises aligned with my own. The IRC gave opportunities to work with clients, empowering them, providing them with quality healthcare, and working to address social barriers within society and our communities.
What advice do you have for other students as they search for and begin their internship?
As you have the opportunity to take Stephanie Springer’s course, PAH 383 - Pre-Internship: Building Career Readiness, you will learn about remaining resilient, which is key when searching for the ideal internship. During my search I was rejected by internships however I did not allow that rejection to define me or limit me, rather I viewed this as an opportunity to find an employer that sees/values my potential. Also, beginning an internship can be intimidating but also offers a multitude of opportunities to expand on your transferable skills, network, and knowledge about your specific field.