Araceli Cota interned with Rillos Smoke Shop, focusing on inventory management and customer experience.
How did you get your internship?
I got my internship through my network because my father is the founder of Rillos. Even though I had such a direct connection, I still went through an interview process and had to show my commitment to doing well throughout my internship. It helped that I had prior experiences working with customers that I could demonstrate would be useful in this internship, so that allowed me to prove that I took the opportunity seriously.
What kind of work did you do throughout your internship experience?
Throughout my internship process I primarily worked with customers and ensured they had a good overall experience in the store. I also got to learn a little about how the taxes and finances for the shop are managed. I got to use my creativity to build display items for products and make suggestions for merchandising ideas based on sales and customer feedback.
What new skills did you practice and develop in this internship?
I think the main transferable skill I practiced and developed during my time as an intern at Rillos is communication and teamwork. I am a rather quiet person, so I was able to break out of my shell a bit once I got used to working with customers and spent the majority of the time in the store doing so. I also worked heavily with the site supervisor so I had to develop my teamwork skills and overall communication skills so the store could run smoothly.
How was the internship related to your Applied Humanities degree?
My internship was related to my applied humanities degree because my area of emphasis is Business Administration. I was able to see first hand what it takes to run a business through my internship. Seeing the behind the scenes of a business has further prepared me for my future endeavors in business so I am not so weary and taken off guard with the new things ahead. I further understand now what requirements are needed to run a successful business overall.
What was your favorite part of your internship?
My favorite and most satisfying part of my internship was being able to see customers' reactions to intentional product placement. It was meaningful because it showed me how small adjustments in organization and presentation can make a significant impact on customer satisfaction and overall sales. Being able to see customers discover products they like through strategic merchandising gave me a sense of accomplishment because it showed me that my work directly contributed to a positive customer experience.
What did you find challenging about your internship?
The most challenging part of my internship was overcoming my shyness, especially when it came to communicating with customers and team members. I was originally nervous about engaging with people in a business setting, but this further motivated me to develop stronger communication skills. Through practice, I learned how to approach conversations more confidently. This experience taught me the importance of clear communication and how it can build better relationships and a positive work environment.
What has been the impact of your internship experience?
My internship experience has impacted both my professional and personal life in the way that I approach new or challenging situations with more confidence now. It has helped me build essential skills in inventory management, which is essential for any business setting. Overall, the experience has deepened my understanding of how effective organization and communication contribute to a successful business.