How did you get your internship and why did you choose this opportunity?
I secured my internship through a networking connection. One of the founders of Clementine actually went to the University of Arizona, and I knew a friend of his. I had known about Clementine for months, however I was very hesitant to reach out out of fear of rejection. Finally, I reached out to this friend, not thinking much would come out of it. Turns out, I interviewed and got hired for the semester!
I chose this internship because I knew I was interested in exploring the management side of the talent industry. I was extremely excited about working at a small startup as well. A smaller company is a great place to start off your career because you are given the freedom to explore your strengths. At a small company, your voice matters and is heard. I immediately felt that, even though I was an intern, my opinion was just as valuable as other members of the team.
What kind of work did you do throughout your internship experience?
As a Creator Coordinator at The Clementine Group, I drove communication with creators on song/brand collaborations, ensuring the client and creator were both satisfied. I also was in charge of building upon these relationships with creators to ensure trust and long-term growth for the agency. My job shifted from the start of the semester quite a lot, moving away from coordinating campaigns to creating relationships with creators.
What is unique about your situation that influenced your internship selection?
One thing that stands out to me about my situation is that I actually worked in the same industry as a previous internship I’ve had with a marketing agency, but on the other “side” of things. During this internship, I would frequently talk to talent managers about campaigns and I always had an interest in what their role was like. I followed my gut and decided to explore my interest in talent management and coordination, finding where my true passion lies. I am grateful for that previous internship because it led me to where I am today, as well as gave me insightful information about how marketing agencies work. I feel that this will be helpful as I continue my career and become a Talent Manager.
What was your favorite or most satisfying part of your internship?
My favorite part of my internship was interacting with creators. I was lucky enough to have been given the freedom to talk to creators one-on-one, specifically for introduction calls for them to learn more about our agency. I loved that I was able to be the “face of the company” for new creators and create a bond from the start with them. Human connection is very fulfilling to me, so cultivating these relationships was really special, and felt like more than just monotonous work.
How has your internship experience influenced your plans for your future?
This internship definitely influenced my plans for the future, specifically for after graduation! I had always thought I wanted to work for a marketing agency until I found out about the management side of my industry. With this internship, I was able to test out if I enjoyed managing creators, and now am doing that full time after graduation with a talent agency. I am so grateful for this experience, because without it I would have never discovered this passion.
What advice do you have for other students as they search for their internship?
Network, network, network! I truly believe that the connections you make in your life dictate your success. Reach out to people and form trusting, authentic relationships. People are there to help you and guide you, and will most likely help you out down the line when it comes to your career. Continue to reach out to them after originally talking to them, so you can form a relationship, rather than a one- time- thing. So many of my opportunities have come from networking, which I am extremely grateful for.