Donor Development and Alumni Relations

Brooke Elford
Emphasis Area
Business Administration
Brooke Elford interned with the Eller College of Management and gained experience in donor development and alumni relations.

Why did you choose your internship?

I chose this internship in donor development and alumni relations to push myself beyond my comfort zone and expand my horizons. This internship does not deal with a topic I necessarily saw myself pursuing but it has been one of the most amazing opportunities of my college career and has led me to new heights.

What did you gain from your internship experience?

This internship has given me a whole new vision for where I could see my future career going. It has helped me better understand the technicality of an office setting as well as taught me more time management and a lot about an industry I had never looked into. I could see myself working in college donations and either in a specific college or in sports due to this incredible opportunity.