Fashion Retail Social Media Management

Caitlyn Schultz headshot
Caitlyn Schultz
Emphasis Area
Fashion Studies

Caitlyn Schultz took on the role of social media manager for a fashion retail store and developed a new interest in photography while expanding her creative thinking and time management skills.

How did you get your internship? 

I first learned about this opportunity when a message was sent to my work group chat group about a new social media opportunity. At the time I was actively looking for an internship related to social media, retail, or fashion, and I thought this was the perfect opportunity for me. I debated whether I should do it or not for a while. I didn’t know if I would be good at it, or If it would be too much for me, but I decided to give it a try. 

To apply, we had to send in a mini mock-up of ideas and skills we could bring to their social media presence. I made my mock-up in Canva and really enjoyed taking photos in my room putting it all together. I loved doing even that small sample of work, so I knew if I got this internship I would love it. I emailed them my document and waited. Days later I received a text message from the manager as if I could come into the store, and talk with her and the owner about this position. I was thrilled so of course I said yes, and went in to talk to them. We went and sat down together and they explained to me what the position entailed and what responsibilities I would have. After talking about the logistical details, they asked if I would take the position, and I joyfully said yes! I was very excited to get started. 

Why did you choose this internship? 

I was looking for one to be involved with fashion/ retailing and social media and this internship was both, and that's why I chose it. This opportunity was also a good fit because it was a paid internship, and it was very close to where I live; definitely the perfect scenario for me. I was very happy to receive an offer and get to do an internship that makes me happy and gain experience for future jobs and opportunities. In the end, it was a very easy decision to decide to accept this internship.

What kind of work did you do throughout your internship experience?

I did a wide variety of work through this internship. I did weekly photo shoots, which consisted of taking photos on University, or using the photography building's photo shoot room. I gained skills in social media management by responding to comments, DMs, and replies from our campaigns. I went to the store almost every day to take photos, create Reels, and videos for the Instagram account. One thing that I loved about this internship is that I always stayed busy; there was something to do every day. I think It was also a plus that I worked for this boutique on the sales floor as well as managing the social media account. When I worked at the store, I also got to work on content which helped me with planning and using my knowledge of in-store trends to be creative. 

How has your internship experience influenced your plans for your future? 

This internship has had a big impact on my future plans, and what I want to pursue for a career. I found myself really enjoying taking photos and doing photo shoots, so I've thought about trying photography. This experience confirmed my ambitions to work in the fashion industry or doing social media management. It showed me that it is something I enjoy doing and that I can see my future self enjoying it. 

What new skills and knowledge did you develop in this internship? 

Some transferable skills I gained from my internship are communication, creativity, organization, design, adaptability, management, time management, customer care, and leadership. A skill that stands out in particular to social media management is creativity. I have to come up with creative stories, posts, and Reels to post; it can't always be the same thing over and over. Another notable skill I developed was time management. Creating a social media posting schedule that is trendy and not redundant takes planning and time to manage creating the content and posting it. I also gained knowledge on retail operations and administration, which I think can definitely help me in the future with buying trips and merchandising. I am happy I gained so many new skills to bring with me to future opportunities.

How was the internship related to your Applied Humanities degree? 

This internship ties into my degree because my emphasis in the Applied Humanities major is  fashion studies. My internship is a social media manager at a boutique, which ties into fashion and retail. It also helps that my minor is retail in consumer science. That's half the reason I picked this internship because it tied so well into my degree which I loved. It made my decision easy when choosing the internship. I think it's good to do something that ties with your degree, so you're actually getting a feel for what you want to do in the future, to see if that is the route you want to go. I thought about going down different routes, and doing an internship definitely showed me what I want to do in the future. 

What was your favorite part of your internship? 

My favorite part of my internship was getting so close with all of the coworkers. I go to the boutique nearly everyday so I got close to all of the girls which I truly loved. I am also very happy with the amount of experience I got. I got a wide variety of experience with social media, retail, management, and how to be a manager and lead something. It was meaningful to me because this is helping me prepare myself for the future, and to not be so afraid for what's to come. It is also meaningful to me because I get to learn so much and I'm expanding my knowledge so much, which I appreciate because it's preparing me for the future. I loved being able to run the account, for it to be my own and have free reign on what to do, and what I wanted to post and create. I will forever be thankful for such a great opportunity and the chance to do it again next semester!