Tax Preparation Accounting

Chris Medina headshot
Chris Medina
Emphasis Area
Business Administration

Chris Medina gained skills in time management and earned his QuickBooks certification as an accounting intern.

How did you get your internship? 

I got this internship through my older brother. Someone asked him if he knew anyone who would be interested in working at this accounting firm. He knew I was looking for an internship, so he passed along the information about the position and I contacted the person at the firm, who eventually became my site supervisor. I let her know that I was looking for an internship position because it is a requirement for my degree and she looked over my resume and decided to hire me as an intern at her accounting firm. 

Why did you choose this internship? 

I chose to do the internship in accounting because it aligns with my Applied Humanities degree emphasis in Business Administration. I had a difficult time in my accounting course, and I wanted to redeem myself by learning hands-on and this opportunity was the perfect opportunity to do that. The reason why I wanted to get better at accounting is because I know how useful it would be for any work I chose to pursue in the business field. I also think it is important for anyone to know about accounting because it can be helpful when keeping track of your own personal finances and taxes.

What kind of work did you do throughout your internship experience? 

The first thing I had to do in my internship experience was get certified in QuickBooks Online, an accounting software that the firm uses for a lot of their work. After I got my certification, most of the work that I did throughout my internship was using QuickBooks software to do bookkeeping of client bank accounts. This consisted of categorizing transactions by adding rules to them and also reconciling the accounts. I also did outreach with some of the clients at the firm to see what services they wanted from the firm.

What new skills did you develop in this internship?

The skill I practiced the most was analyzing data and calculating numbers because that is what I did everyday. I reviewed each transaction to make sure it was categorized correctly and then reconciled for the month. One notable skill I developed is self-efficiency because my internship was remote, so I had to learn a lot of things independently in order to finish my work every week. Even completing my initial certification in QuickBooks was something that I had to take on on my own. A skill that I really enhanced is project management. This semester was one of the busiest I have ever had since I’ve been in college because I had to balance my work as an intern, completing my courses, and also preparing to graduate. There was a lot on my plate but I am glad I did it because it has taught me that I am able to do anything as long as I am organized. 

What did you find challenging about your internship? 

The thing that I found the most challenging at this internship was getting certified in QuickBooks online, which consists of a test that is about 75 questions total spread out into eight modules. I struggled with it initially because there was a lot of information about the program in each of the modules. For the certification, you only get three tries to pass it and if you are unable to pass it in three tries then you would have to wait six months in order to take it again. This was a lot of pressure, but thankfully I was able to pass and get certified. I learned that you need to be resilient and not take the easy way out for a task this important and high stakes. 

How has your internship experience influenced your plans for your future? 

This internship experience has been a great experience. I am glad to have been able to learn what goes into bookkeeping and taxes. It was important for me to learn more about work in this field because I wanted to redeem my past experience with accounting. Through this experience, I think the biggest lesson was realizing how much I value being able to use my creativity and meet new people. I hope to find opportunities in the future where I can incorporate those values, and I am very appreciative for this internship experience to have taught me that.

What advice do you have for other students as they search for and begin their internship?

I would say to someone searching for an internship to try and be very resilient because I know how hard it can be to actually land an interview. Be resilient and hopeful and look at any chance you can get. Try to come up with a strategy, stick to it for a month, and if it does not work then strategize to come up with another one. 

For someone who is starting an internship, I would say to be ready to learn and also to not be afraid to ask all the questions or to fail. It took me a lot of trial and error at my internship to really get the grasp of things and I am glad I did because this is the best way for me to learn. I would also say to them to try and connect with other people at the company because networking is one of the biggest advantages in life.