Gillian Franks was recognized as a top performing intern in Arizona during her summer internship with Enterprise and continued her experience through the fall semester.
How did you get your internship?
I got my internship by attending an internship-oriented UArizona career fair at Bear Down Gym. I looked ahead of time to see what companies were going to be there and I saw that Enterprise was listed and my interest was piqued immediately. I went to the fair, saw their booth, and went up and introduced myself to them. I had a really good conversation with them and told them information about my major and my past job experience. They told me that they thought I would be a good fit and they asked me to apply, so I did. My application got accepted and then I did two interviews in order to officially be offered the internship position at Enterprise.
What type of work did you do at your internship?
The work I did throughout my internship at Enterprise was focused on customer service along with learning the back-end administrative processes of the business. My tasks included providing customer service as well as doing customer follow-up to make sure their payments would be processed on time. I also learned how to navigate through inventory and make sure that everything was being managed properly so that we were accurately tracking all of our fleet. My role as an intern was to do everything I could to observe what was happening at the back-end of sales processes, along with making sure I was excelling in providing an excellent overall customer service experience.
How did the work for the second semester of your internship differ from your first semester of your internship?
In my second semester, I had many more tasks and responsibilities. This semester I had the opportunity to execute what I was observing from my colleagues over the summer. I was in charge of leading morning huddles a few days a week, and going over the sales numbers and targets that were important to keep in mind for that day. Being given these extra responsibilities made me feel more involved in the company and that my growth as an employee was recognized.
What skills did you improve during this experience?
Throughout this internship, I really improved on my communication skills. I realized very quickly that it was extremely important to learn how to communicate with both customers and other employees in the company. I also developed my situational communication skills; every situation requires a unique communication style to adapt to the way the customer understands the terms of a transaction, while also maintaining a sense of professionalism and helpfulness.
What was the most satisfying part of this internship?
The most satisfying part of my internship was that interns were treated as if they were regular permanent employees at the company. I worked really hard and I ended up becoming the #2 intern in the state of Arizona at Enterprise. I won some prize money for that achievement as well as getting the opportunity to get dinner with the other top-performers in the city as a sign of appreciation from Enterprise. It definitely made me feel super valued and accomplished.
What was a significant contribution that you made to your internship site?
I feel that one of the most significant contributions that I made was my overall tenacity to learn and be a team player, because that attitude can be contagious. There were times throughout this internship where my branch underwent some staff changes, which left us understaffed and in a bit of a bind for a couple weeks. I kept up a good positive attitude and continued to work hard to prove myself even during the times of stress. This was significant because in times when the branch was going through a time of struggle, it made the biggest difference in team morale to be able to maintain a positive attitude.
How is your Applied Humanities degree related to your experience?
My major is Applied Humanities with an emphasis on Business Administration. This internship is related to my major because I learned all of the key aspects of running a business while also understanding the importance of maintaining relationships and being cognizant of others. The overlap of those areas is aligned with the interdisciplinarity of the degree. This internship was the perfect opportunity for me to actually apply my major and knowledge to the workplace in a real-life setting.
What advice do you have for other students as they complete a two-semester internship?
The advice that I want to give to other students who are doing their internship for a second semester is to always be open for feedback and constructive criticism. It can sometimes be uncomfortable to receive feedback or criticism all the time, but it always ends up benefiting you in the long run. Being willing to accept feedback will only help you improve on skills that can help lead you towards success in your career path.
How has your internship experience influenced your plans for your future?
My internship has influenced my plans for my future because it clarified what I like about business and what I don’t like. It has influenced me to consider a wider range of options for a career, and it has also made the future less stressful because I know I can handle working full-time. My internship has opened up the possibility of moving for a career, which has added a new level of excitement and anticipation following graduation in May.