Human Resources Administration

Mollie headshot
Mollie Kiefer
Emphasis Area
Business Administration

Mollie Kiefer gained skills in communication, critical thinking, and Microsoft Excel as an HR intern.

What kind of work did you do throughout your internship experience and what skills did you gain?

During my internship, the main project that I worked on was auditing employee files to ensure all necessary documents were there, and deleting any duplicate or unnecessary documents. I also gained experience in payroll, HR information systems, DEI, and recruiting. I also spent a lot of time reaching out to employees to request various documents. Through this experience I developed my communication skills, attention to detail, and strategic thinking skills. I have also furthered my technical skills in using various Microsoft Office applications, including Word and Excel. Another HR-specific concept I learned about was employee confidentiality, which was much more complex than I expected. With these tasks, everyday I learned something new.

How was the internship related to your Applied Humanities degree?

This internship has related to my Applied Humanities in a variety of ways. My degree in Applied Humanities has taught me how to problem-solve in different situations, which is something that I utilized many times during my internship. Additionally, studying the applied humanities has given me an academic background in intercultural competence and communication that helped me in difficult situations related to personnel.

What did you find most challenging about your internship?

The most challenging part of this internship was adjusting to the office setting. It was difficult at first, trusting my decisions and not being under constant guidance or observation. One positive from this was that the unfamiliarity kept me on my toes. After a while, it became my new normal. From this, I learned that every situation is different and you can never truly predict how you will feel, act, or think in a situation before you are in it.

What was your favorite or most satisfying part of your internship?

My favorite part of the internship was the company culture. I was so nervous that I wasn’t going to fit in or feel comfortable, but from my first day I felt right at home. I never dreaded going to work; I was excited to see what the day would hold. This was meaningful to me because it reminded me to be confident in myself and my decisions.

How has your internship experience influenced your plans for your future?

This internship has influenced my plans for the future as it has helped me realized what I want in a future career, and opened my eyes to possibilities I didn't realize were out there. After completing this internship, I can see myself working in a variety of different positions. Also, prior to starting my internship, I always thought that I would rather work for a big company, but I realized that I really enjoyed the culture and diversity of experiences that a small or midsize organization might offer. This showed me that you never truly know what will be best for you until you experience it.

What advice do you have for other students as they search for their internship?

If I could give other students advice as they search for internships, I would say don’t give up and you will get out what you put in. It can feel discouraging to get rejection emails, but if you keep trying you will find the path that is right for you. As hard as it can be at times, try to keep a positive attitude. You really do just have to trust the process.