Fashion Branding and Marketing

Olivia Vergnetti headshot
Olivia Vergnetti
Emphasis Area
Fashion Studies

Olivia Vergnetti put her previous creative directing skills to use while expanding her knowledge of social media content creation to refresh Blue Hemp, a sustainable denim brand. 

How did you get your internship and what role did you have?

I got my internship because my step mother purchased a Hemp-based denim company that she wanted to revamp. She knew I had experience in styling, creative directing, and social media management, so she wanted me to use my sense of style to refresh the brand and promote it. The company already had some recognition in the industry, but another goal was to reach a bit of a younger crowd. My job was to take my knowledge of millennials in the fashion market and identify current trends to reach a broader audience. 

Why did you choose this internship?

I chose my internship because I wanted to put my creative abilities towards the brand’s refresh. All of the products have a more simple design but are of amazing quality. My job was to search for tattoo artists who would enjoy creating designs for an artist-based collection. I also got to create my own graphic designs to add to our existing products following an American Western-style theme. I had a lot of fun doing this as I believe fashion is all about constantly evolving, adding to pieces, and using your creative abilities. 

I also wanted to expand my knowledge in social media management, styling, and shooting. I wanted to strengthen these skills so that one day I could put them towards a brand of my own. I was able to plan posts for the social media accounts and manage the content each week, as well as collect a group of models and style them and direct the photoshoots myself. We went to locations that featured street art and murals to showcase the connection between love of art and freedom. 

What is unique about your situation that influenced your internship selection or experience? 

Something that was unique about my experience would be that I got to involve some of my closest friends in photo shoots for the brand I worked with. This was fun and beneficial as it allowed my friends to get some modeling experience and build their portfolio. I thought this was also unique and exciting because usually I style myself and plan my own shoots, but this time I got to style other people and have full creative control. It was cool to watch my visions come to life without having to be the person behind the camera. It was a unique experience to stay behind the scenes but still be able to facilitate seeing my vision come to life through collaborative work with others. I felt like an artist painting a beautiful picture. 

What is the impact of your internship experience? 

The impact of my internship is that it has led me to start building my own brand from scratch. I created mock-ups, logos, and ideas. I have started to envision what I want for the brand and got to be super creative. I have been going through the process of searching for graphic designers and manufacturers and really involving myself in the whole process. I have always had the dream and passion of starting my own brand, but my internship with Hemp Blue has led me to finally take action. I feel inspired to bring my own creative ideas to life and work for myself. 
How has your internship experience influenced your plans for your future?

My internship has influenced my plans for the future because I learned that not only can I be a creative director for my own shoots, but I can also be creative director for brands with a different aesthetic than mine. It has taught me to be diverse in the fashion industry, and looking forward to my future I am more open to working with brands that are outside of my comfort zone. Before my internship I was a bit more narrow minded in that I was only looking for opportunities within my own fashion interests and aesthetics, but I learned that there is beauty in fashion even if it is not my exact style preference. I think fashion is art in all senses and working with a brand like Hemp Blue, which was a bit different from my personal style, has shown me how to be flexible and adapt to different trends and aesthetics. 
What advice do you have for other students as they search for and begin their internship?

The advice I would have for someone searching for an internship would be to find something that inspires you and don’t settle. Pick something you believe you would genuinely grow and evolve from. Go into an internship with an open mind, and a curiosity to learn. Make sure your needs for your internship experience are met just as much as your intern supervisor's needs of help are met. Be willing to work hard and appreciate everything that you take from it.