Commercial Real Estate

Will Liebes
Emphasis Area
Business Administration

Will Liebes interned with a commercial real estate agency and gained industry-specific knowledge and business management skills.

How did you get your internship and why did you choose it?

I got this internship through one of UA’s multiple career fairs as well as searching online. I saw Matthews Real Estate Investment Services at a Career Fair at Eller and decided to reach out online through GlassDoor for more information. Since the office was in Scottsdale and close to home, I decided to visit the office over a weekend during the spring. I was introduced to the team of brokers and the market leader who conducted my interview. They thought I would be a great fit for their summer internship program that started in June.

I chose this internship because of my history in real estate. My mother has been a residential real estate agent for about 25 years and I would always help her open/close houses for showings when I was younger. I got to know a lot of the insider terminology and learn tasks associated with real estate. I knew I preferred to go into commercial rather than residential real estate, so this was a fantastic opportunity to get myself started.

What did a typical day look like in your internship experience?

A day at Matthews Real Estate Investment Services was long but well worth it in the end. I would get to the office around 7 am and check emails, and check in with my mentor to go over the work I was doing and how I can contribute. By 8, we would have our first real estate education lesson of the day, going over different strategies in brokerage and how to be successful in the business. I would then go back to my desk and input more industrial properties in our database. This would allow the brokers to be able to call the owner and see what their financial plans with the property were. I would have more team meetings and then get lunch. After lunch, I would do some more research on industrial properties, check in with my senior, and go to any remaining meetings. By around 3-4, I would call it a day and go home. This was Monday to Friday for eight weeks.

What skills did you develop in your internship?

One skill I was able to adapt from this internship is thinking outside the box. There would be times when we would have only so much time to get the client's attention and we would have to think of a way to draw them in. Another transferable skill that I was able to gain was time management. Our days were always slammed so it was important to set aside play for work, especially during this internship. 

Also, my Applied Humanities degree with Business Administration emphasis taught me how to work and act in the business world, set up meetings, and put together my clientele base. I also gained expertise in tools like Excel and Word. I was really able to benefit from that.

What did you find challenging about your internship?

For me, the most challenging part of the internship was the hours and the workload. It was an abrupt and difficult welcome to the “real world” and it really made me want to savor my upcoming senior year as much as I can. However, in the end, I really enjoyed having a rigorous schedule like that because it made me a stronger person and a more motivated businessman. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for me after college.

What advice do you have for other students as they begin their internship?

If I could give any advice, I would say to put in an effort. People say this a lot, but it is really true; you get out what you put in. The amount of effort you put towards what you are doing will allow you to enjoy it much more. Another piece of advice is to always ask questions. You are an intern, not an employee. You are there to learn and get a hold of what life is like after college. So stay curious, have fun with the whole experience, and make sure to give it your all through the entire process!