Small Business Administration

Lisette Dionicio headshot
Lisette Dionicio
Emphasis Area
Business Administration

Lisette Dionicio gained skills in customer service and communication, in both English and Spanish, as an intern with local flooring business, VMA Installations.

What kind of work did you do throughout your internship experience and how did it help you develop new skills?

I really enjoyed my internship as an office assistant for a local flooring company. One of my main responsibilities was communicating with clients and vendors over the phone, which was good for me because I sometimes get embarrassed to speak. Another responsibility I had was managing the company email account and also organizing financial documents. Being able to communicate clearly over email is such an important skill, so I am glad I got to practice sending professional emails to gain experience with my written communication.

Another skill that I enhanced with this internship was decision making. I tend to second-guess myself, and end up making the wrong decision when I should have just trusted my gut. From this internship I learned that I can still double check my work to make sure I am doing things right, but all I need to do from there is stop, analyze the situation, and be assertive in my decision-making. 

How did your Applied Humanities major coursework help prepare you or give you unique insight for the internship experience?

Prior to doing the internship, I took a few Applied Humanities courses, including PAH 383: Pre-Internship: Building Career Readiness. That course prepared me for real-life situations like searching for jobs and dealing with challenging situations. When I first started working in high school and I would start a new job, I would be so nervous about messing up and always end up being the one to constantly ask questions since I was new. After taking that course, I realized there is nothing to dread because everyone starts somewhere and we all need to learn somehow. All of the Applied Humanities coursework also aided me in other aspects as well such as having an open-minded attitude and a strong work ethic.

What was your favorite part of your internship?

My favorite thing about my internship was the fact that I learned so much because it was a lot of one-on-one training. When starting at other jobs, it would get overwhelming because there were so many other new employees that also needed assistance, which meant that you received less direct instruction from your supervisor. Receiving that level of individual attention made me feel like an important asset to the company and they made all my questions feel valid. 

What did you find most challenging about your internship?

One of the most challenging things for me with the internship, that I’ve also experienced with other jobs, is when my responsibilities felt repetitive. I love having a routine, but I realized that I also value doing different tasks to keep me intrigued. I’ve had jobs where everyday was something new so it was exciting, but I’ve also had other jobs where everyday felt the same because I knew what to expect. It makes me reflect on how true it is when people say you need to truly enjoy what you work in, and to be able to find more specific aspects of work that are important to me when I look for jobs in the future.

What advice do you have for other students as they search for and/or begin their internship?

One big piece I have for future interns is get involved on campus! Get your name out there and make connections so that when time comes to get an internship, it comes easier for you. There are so many resources on campus that help and to support you in getting prepared for your search. Another piece of advice I have is don’t be embarrassed to ask for help. Ask questions, send those emails, and show up so they can see that you truly care for that internship. Also, be open to different internships because, who knows, you might end up loving something you hadn’t considered!