Shadow Experience at a Physical Therapy Clinic

Jason Aguayo headshot
Jason Aguayo
Emphasis Area
Public Health

Jason Aguayo gained experience in the healthcare industry supporting physical therapy appointments and providing translation services to patients.

How did you get your internship and why did you choose it?

I was able to get this internship with the help of my older sister. Throughout the process of choosing a site to complete my internship, I was also considering what would benefit me the most and also relate to my Applied Humanities emphasis area in Public Health. This led me to get into contact with my sister's site supervisor and ask for the opportunity to intern for them as well. My supervisor was welcoming and it was a bonus that ProActive is partnered with the University of Arizona Athletics department.

I chose this internship because it allowed me to work in a public health setting that involves treating patients and analyzing their progress throughout weeks or even months. In my case, I enjoy helping others and making sure they feel comfortable and better in whichever way they may need it. Interning at this site was a great first experience that will benefit me moving forward.

What kind of work did you do throughout your internship experience?

The majority of the internship was to support patients at a physical therapy clinic. I was eager to view how a physical therapy clinic runs and what approaches are taken for certain patients. I would see how different patients had a scheduled routine of exercises to complete throughout their visits along with a follow-up review on their progress. I found the evaluation phase really interesting as it is a patient's first visit. They are evaluated on the state of the injury and are then given a set routine to complete at home and during their visit. Throughout some of the patients' visits, I would occasionally help with translating and giving at-home exercises to some patients.

What knowledge did you develop during this internship?

Throughout the internship I realized how psychological the healing process is. Initially, I thought the effectiveness of physical therapy was solely based on how often exercises are done and if they are being done correctly. Although, that is just a part of recovery. I learned that being committed and telling yourself that you can and will recover is a helpful mentality to have in supporting your recovery. Like most things in life, we need to let go of the past in order to move forward and succeed.

What skills did you develop during this internship?

The skill I focused on developing more was communication. I always struggled to communicate with others as I am more of a reserved person, and a major part of this internship was communicating with patients and being able to work with them. I realized I was able to do so easily and interact with people. A skill I enhanced was adaptability. I consider adaptability a key skill to have as every job will be a new experience and it will require you to be open to change and be willing to get involved quickly, maybe even before you feel confident. In my case, I learned quickly about how the clinic was run and I found opportunities to interact with staff and patients wherever I could.

How has your internship experience influenced your plans for your future?

I gained a new experience to be able to add to my resume, which is important, but even better that it ties to my major. I have a better insight of what it is like to work in the healthcare industry and I do plan to continue pursuing opportunities in the industry whether it’s in a physical therapy clinic or at a hospital. It was an enjoyable experience and working with patients was eye-opening and a great way to build transferable skills. I hope to have more opportunities like this one and I appreciate the team at ProActive PT.

What advice do you have for other students as they begin their internship?

For students starting their journey as an intern, I would highly recommend to be open and adapt to your new environment. Supervisors and managers are interested in people who are willing to leave their comfort zone and those who aren’t afraid to get involved quickly. I would also advise students to ask questions during the internship; the main goal is to learn and gain a new experience. Don’t be afraid to ask questions!