Commercial Videography and Editing

Manny Flores headshot
Manny Flores
Emphasis Area
Business Administration

Manny Flores developed his video editing skills and learned about business marketing practices as an intern at Cox Communications.

How did you get your internship?

I got my internship by reaching out to one of my dad's connections, someone he used to work at the movie theaters with when they were teenagers. That connection happened to work at Cox in the sales department, and he introduced me to my current internship site coordinators when he knew I was looking for an internship. This was a great example of how it paid off to embrace using connections for different opportunities.

What kind of work did you do throughout your internship experience?

For this internship, I worked primarily on video shoots, editing, and marketing of promotional materials with Cox and their business partners. I was able to do a variety of different work and learn more transferable skills throughout the semester. I enhanced my video editing skills in Adobe Premiere Pro, developed time management skills in coordinating video shoots, and was able to enhance my Google analytics skills when collaborating with the sales department. I did a lot of data analysis, support for in-person video shoots, reviewing advertisement content, and cinematography. Overall, this experience helped me develop a diverse range of skills which I can apply in my future.

How was the internship related to your Applied Humanities degree?

My Applied Humanities emphasis area is Business Administration, so it was helpful to see the connection between what I’ve learned in classes and the operations of such a large business like Cox Communication. I got to see how different departments work collaboratively to meet their clients’ needs. Seeing the behind the scenes of a corporate business intrigues me to learn more about different types of businesses as well.

What was your favorite or most satisfying part of your internship? 

One of my favorite parts was being able to work with different types of people and a variety of clients. We did video shoots for clients like CASA, Cooper Center for Environmental Learning, and did edits for car brands and hotels. It was interesting to be able to create advertisements for companies that I was familiar with as a consumer, but to be on the other side working as . It made me feel good to be a part of every different community as well.

How has your internship experience influenced your plans for your future?

I like this question because it makes me consider different paths for my professional career. This experience helped me pave a path for myself to give me the experience I need to be a competitive candidate for future opportunities. Before this, I didn't know what I wanted to pursue prior to college. And while I’m still open to opportunities that come my way, this gives me an idea of what I can do and helps me broaden my horizons as well. Also, I now have new connections and resources with the people who I’ve built relationships with during my time there.

What was a big project that you worked on?

I was able to work on a commercial for a retirement home that will run on cable television (I’m not able to share the footage yet!). This project was the most complex in terms of video editing and it was complicated at first to get the hang of using Adobe Premiere. Thankfully my site supervisors provided guidance and showed me different ways of using the tool to get the effects I wanted, and I picked up on it pretty quickly. When it was finished, it felt good to see the finished product.

What advice do you have for other students as they search for and/or begin their internship?

My advice is similar to what many will say to other students: be resilient, keep an open mind, and think about future plans. Sometimes the opportunities you find may not be exactly what you expected, but it is important to try new things and gain knowledge and experience. Lastly, make sure to build relationships with the people you meet, whether that be your site coordinators, coworkers, or other interns. You’ll need those connections for future references or referrals.