(520) 621-1044
Modern Languages 345
Durand, Alain-Philippe
Internal Affiliate
Dorrance Dean, College of Humanities
Professor, Center for Latin American Studies
Professor, Department of Africana Studies
Professor, Department of French & Italian
Professor, Graduate Interdisciplinary Program in Applied Intercultural Arts Research
Professor, Institute for LGBT Studies
Alain-Philippe Durand studies French and Brazilian literatures, French Cinema, Hip-Hop, and the promotion of the Humanities disciplines in the professions. He is the author and editor of four books: Black, Blanc, Beur: Rap Music and Hip-Hop Culture in the Francophone World; A Techno World: New Electronic Spaces in the French Novel of the 1980s and 1990s; Novels of the Contemporary Extreme; and Frédéric Beigbeder and His Doubles. The French Government awarded Durand the Palmes Académiques. The French publication France-Amérique named him among its list of fifty French talents living in the United States.