Nic Griffin

Business Development Associate
Tanque Verde Home Inspections
Applied Humanities

How did your Applied Humanities major coursework help prepare you or give you unique insight for the “real world” of work?
I currently do business development for Tanque Verde Home Inspections. The majority of my role with the company is to interact, network, market and meet real estate professionals. My job is ultimately to connect with people, either in person or on social media. The majority of the Applied Humanities coursework teaches you how to do that on a personal and cultural scale. My Business Administration emphasis helped me learn how to apply this in a business setting. We all come from different places and different backgrounds. Recognizing that and having an interest in people’s stories has helped me tremendously in creating new connections and networking.

What is a benefit you see now in studying your area of emphasis and the Applied Humanities?
One of the benefits I see is the ability to connect with people on an empathetic level within a business setting so that you can offer support. You may not always be able to help through your business, but being genuine, mindful and empathetic goes a long way when building meaningful relationships that last a long time. Another benefit that I see now, is that the faculty and staff within the College of Humanities truly cares about their students, even after graduation. They truly want you to succeed and are willing to help you during your journey. I wouldn’t be where I am today without their continued support.

What advice would you give to Applied Humanities students as they approach graduation?
My advice would be to stay connected with the college and your classmates. Attend the alumni events, say 'yes' to guest speaker invites, check in with your professors and peers, stay involved. Maintaining and building your connections is one of the most valuable things that you can do for your career. It also helps you navigate the job market, boosts your career growth and helps you find different paths that you wouldn’t know about otherwise.

With hindsight, what do you appreciate about your Applied Humanities education?
In hindsight, I appreciate the shift in perspective that the College of Humanities has given me. Through the coursework, learning about intercultural competency, the capstone class with Dr. Suzanne Panferov Reese, the internship program with Professor Stephanie Springer, and connections that I’ve built within the college, it’s truly made me a better professional and a better person. I’m extremely proud to be an alumni of the College of Humanities.

Nic Griffin