My education in the Humanities has better prepared me for my professional career than I could have ever imagined. I graduated with an emphasis in fashion but ultimately decided to pivot during the COVID-19 pandemic, returned to my first passion, politics, and ultimately decided to attend law school. The skills I learned in the College of Humanities and the connections I made through the school enabled me to pivot and succeed in the California State Legislature, as a student at McGeorge School of Law, and now in my new position at CJAC. The best advice I have for current students is to take Stephanie Springer's pre-internship course and immerse yourself in all of the knowledge she has to offer, as my experience in that course made me a better student and gave me the confidence to apply for any job, change jobs if necessary, and take on challenges to help my professional growth. I served as one of the youngest Communications Directors to a California State Assemblyman before moving to CJAC. The College of Humanities set me up to take chances and have this upward trajectory as a young professional.